News from the Town Office
Hwy 397 Reconstruction has been confirmed!— The project will include the construction of an asphaltconcrete resurfacing structure on Highway No. 397, in the vicinity of Allan; for a total distance of 12.69km. Aggregate crushing is expected to start on February 25, 2024. Resurfacing work is expected to start in early May 2024. The substantial completion date for the project is October 16, 2024.
• Public traffic can expect minor delays and disruptions to their normal travel schedules as traffic will be
accommodated through the work zone utilizing one-way traffic in each direction. Dust, loose gravel, rough
roads and roadside hazards may also be expected. The Contractor will provide traffic accommodation.
Snow Removal — From the Foreman: “I would like to say a big thank you to all the town people who got
out and moved snow for themselves and their neighbours. I was surprised to see how many areas were
blown out and sidewalks done before we could get there.” Please keep obstructions off streets to assist with
Snow removal — Keep vehicles and trailers to off street parking, especially after a snowfall. The snow
removal policy is for primary areas first, followed by residential streets and lastly, back lanes. When you
see our equipment moving snow, please wait for them to finish, before passing the tractor or bobcat.
Pet Licenses and Business Licenses expired on December 31st. Licenses were due by January 31.
Remember our bylaw has a four pet limit. After the first of March, unlicensed pets will be subject to fines.
Water & Sewer — Again in January, we had issues with clogged sewer lines. Wipes and grease. Please
help by keeping wipes out of the pipes. As this is becoming a regular problem, Council will be considering
raising the cost of the sewer section of the utility bills to compensate for these ongoing costs. As well, we
are looking at a water rate increase, due to Sask Water increasing their rates again this year.
Building Information — If you are altering your home or garage, there may be permits required. Please
ensure that you get your permit in advance of starting your project.
Loraas Bins — If they are cracked or have wheel problems, please let us know at the Town Office and we
will get a replacement bin to you. In order to preserve our pavement, please place your black and blue
carts right at the edge of the pavement.
Advertisements went out for the Administrator position, we will announce the new administrator in an
upcoming newsletter.
COVID Rapid Test Kits are still available for pick up at the Town Office . Check Health Canada for some extended expiry dates.
Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Be Kind
To read the entire newsletter, see the attached PDF.