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Logan Schatz Memorial Arena

Logan Schatz Memorial Arena

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In-Season Rental Rates 

















Tournament Day Rentals

Out of Town $1,200.00/ 10 hour day max – $700.00 for Local Minor Hockey – $1,000 for Vico/Clavet

- Includes use of 4 dressing rooms, meeting room, ref's room and access to viewing area in the skating waiting area. Includes use of PA system for announcing games and playing music.

- Additional ice time can be rented if available at a rate of $165.00 per additional hour. 

- Kitchen will be open during tournaments and specials can be offered upon request, i.e. Taco in a bag, Rib Caesar Salad, Chicken Fingers & Caesar Salad, Chili & a bun, Pasta & Garlic Toast, etc. Sufficient notice must be given for kitchen buyer to get supplies and prep work to be done prior to booking. 

- Raffle tables are welcome, but NO TAPE on walls or displays, please see the kitchen for sticky tack and pin tacks, and use bulletin boards provided. 

- Saturday's may only be booked until 6:00pm unless there is no Sr. Flames game scheduled. 





Allan Learn to Skate & Minor Hockey Hourly Rental  $90.00

Includes use of 2 dressing rooms, ref''s room, PA system for music and in skating waiting area 

Allan Senior Flames $350/game 

Includes use of 2-3 dressing rooms, 2 for visiting team and 1 for the referees. Games generally take 3-3.5hrs. 

Vico/Clavet Minor Hockey Hourly Rental $100.00/hr or $125 for 1.5 hrs

Vico and Clavet with Allan resident on the team. 

Includes use of 2 dressing rooms, ref's room, PA system for music and access to viewing area in the skating waiting area. 

Minor Hockey (out of town) Hourly Rental $165.00 or $225.00 for 1.5 hours

Includes Use of 2 dressing rooms, refs' room, PA system for music and access to viewing area in the skating waiting area. 

Public Skating/ shoot around/ Allan Composite School - Free 

- Public Skating is skate at your own risk, helmets are highly suggested, MANDITORY for school use

- Shoot around is at your own risk and helmets are MANDITORY 

- 2 dressing rooms will be open for use and access to viewing area in the skating waiting area 

- No use of the sound booth is permitted 


Off-Season Rental Rates 

Skating Waiting Area

- Includes access to the kitchen for food prep & storage ( no deep fryers) 

- Option to use Camp area (Electric - 15amps) 20 sites available - $10/day 

- Skating ice area is NOT available to be Rented for events or functions is an Emergency exit only. 


$150.00 Damage Deposit is Require upon booking 




Entire communiplex Rental - $600/day 

- Includes access to the kitchen for food prep & storage (no deep fryers) and the lounge (must apply for own liquor permit)

Skating ice surface is NOT available for rental, is an emergency exit only

Option to use Camp area (Electric Only-15amps) 20 sites available - $10/day 


Nutrien Mine Rescue Training $65/day 

Rescue & 1st responder season & $350 for event days or $600 with cleaning included

- They must be open to cleaning up in the event of a weekend booking, Friday-Sunday., during their storage times, for event or wedding bookings

- $20 hr for cleaning .   


$300 Damage Deposit is required upon booking 


Coffee Maker - $10/5 bags 

- includes filters 


Table and Chair Rentals 

- Indoor Events only 



$150 Damage Deposit 


Payments & GST 

All rentals are subject to payment upon booking which is non-refundable. 


Bookings will ONLY be held for a max of 7 days or until payment is received. In the event of a cancellation; exception to the non-refundable payment may be reconsidered if a letter addressed to: 

Allan & District Communiplex Committee 

Box 118 

Allan, SK   S0K0C0


Is sent for review; the decision of the committee is final!


NOTE: Committee meetings are held the 1st Monday of the month so the response time will correspond. 


All rentals are subject to GST



Payment Options 


Cash, Debit, Cheque, E-transfer 



Damage Deposits 

Damage Deposits will be returned or destroyed after issue free bookings or upon cancelation 

Renters Responsibilities: 

1. Book your rental and pay in full within the week. Cheques can be made payable to the Allan & District Communiplex, Box 118, Allan SK. S0K0C. 

2. Renters are required to sign and return a rental agreement at the time of payment. 

3. Renter are required to purchase their own special event liquor permit if they will be serving alcohol on premise, other than the lounge (communiplex operated ONLY). 

4. Renters are responsible for all patrons invited into the building to participate in their event children should not be left unsupervised. 


The Recreation Director  or Town office 

306-257-7799 or 306-257-3272

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