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April 2024 - Spring has SPRUNG!


News from the Town Office

From Christine: This is my last posting on the Newsletter. I will be finished at the office on Friday, April 26, 2024 at which time I will be going on vacation. My official last day is May 24, 2024. I have been your administrator since September 1, 1995, taking over from Stan Olszewski. In my term, we’ve done many major projects, celebrations, dealt with huge storms, a pandemic that shut own the world and continually worked to provide the best quality administrative work possible. I have served the community with many council and staff members. I began in the administration field in 1983, so 41 years between the Allan and Bradwell municipal offices. Thank you, to all of those who have helped me along the way. Your new Administrator will be Sarah Koshinsky, we have full confidence that she will carry out her duties to the best of her ability. She’s been with us since July of 2017. We are taking applications for a new assistant, accounting skills are an important qualification.

Remember that Hwy 397 will be Reconstructed this summer into Fall. - Public traffic can expect minor delays and disruptions to their normal travel schedules as traffic will be accommodated through the work zone utilizing one-way traffic in each direction. Dust, loose gravel, rough roads and roadside hazards may also be expected. The Contractor will provide traffic accommodation.

Spring Cleaning — Now that the snow has gone, take a look around and clean up any debris. Remember

that tires, wood piles, etc can make great homes for creatures we don’t want in our yards.

Pet Licenses and Business Licenses expired on December 31st. Licenses are long overdue, if you are continuing your business or keeping your pet, please take care of this as soon as possible.

Water & Sewer — Water rates will be increasing, and likely sewer rates as well, Council will be determining those increases at their April, 2024 Council Meeting .

Building Information — If you are altering your home or garage, there may be permits required. Please

ensure that you get your permit in advance of starting your project.

Loraas Bins — If they are cracked or have wheel problems, please let us know at the Town Office and we

will get a replacement bin to you. In order to preserve our pavement, please place your black and blue

carts right at the edge of the pavement.

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Be Kind

If you would like to read the entire newsletter, see the attached PDF.


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