News from the Town Office
Town office will be closed on September 2, 2024. We hope everyone has a safe and
enjoyable holiday from work!
2024 is an Election Year.
All positions on Town Council will be up for Election including
the Mayor and Six (6) Councillors
Nominations Open on Tuesday, September 24, 2024
and Close at 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Nomination forms now include a Public Disclosure Form which must be completed with the
nomination paper and both must be submitted before a nomination paper may be accepted
by fax, email or regular mail. It is the candidate’s responsibility to ensure that their
nomination and public disclosure forms are received by the deadline.
Election Day is Wednesday, November 13, 2024. The Election will be held in the Council
Chambers in the Town Office at 224 Main Street, poll hours will run from 9:00 a.m. to
8:00 p.m. We plan to open two advance polls this year to allow people to vote at the office
ahead of Election Day, dates to follow.
Talk to your Council members or Administrator if you have questions about running for
Town Council.
Yard Maintenance — There is a free dump day for yard waste on October 26, 2024 for the
Town of Allan residents. What this means is that you will not pay a gate fee for yard
waste that day.
Pets — Ensure the security of your yard by just walking around and checking on fences.
Some fences are falling into a state of disrepair making it easier for dogs to escape. Please
do all that you can to help keep your pets in your yards. If you have a concern, Bylaw
Enforcement is in town monthly to deal with any written complaints or concerns that are
received in the Town Office.
Sarah Koshinsky, Administrator
Stay Safe, Be Kind
To read the full newsletter, please see the attached PDF.