News from the Town Office What To Flush—Modern sewer systems, ours included are not designed for today’s “Flushable” wipes. Wipes clog our sewage system causing thou-sands of your dollars to be spent on vac trucks to clean them out. Only toilet paper and human waste should ever be flushed. Council is finding these costs are impacting the budget and is considering increasing sewer charges to compensate. PLEASE STOP FLUSHING WIPES! Fibre Internet—In the past, Councils have asked your help to get many of the services we take for granted to your homes—natural gas 1967, SaskWater 1973, Cable TV 80’s, etc. Now, Council is excited that a new service may be available soon, fibre optic cable run straight to your house to increase internetcapacityisawonderfuloptionintoday’sconnectedworld. Redbird will provide wifi to the Communiplex and Swimming Pool at no charge if we have sufficient levels of subscribers to get Allan connected. Spring Cleaning—It’s that time again. Please clean up your yards, stack your lumber and mow your tall grass. Council will be checking this out soon. Home Based Businesses—Get your applications in now. Council’s patience for illegal home based businesses is just about done. Animal Control—Remember, all dogs and cats are to be leashed, and under control when not contained in your yard. Also, you must clean up after your pet no matter where they do their business. Bylaw enforcement deals with written complaints on a monthly basis. COVID Rapid Test Kits are still available for pick up at the Town Office. Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Be Kind
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