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June 2024 - Warmer temps on the way?


We will be hosting, with the RM of Lost River, a come and go tea for Christine Dyck on June 18th, 2024

from 6-8 at the New Horizons Centre. This is your chance to give her a thank you for her time spent here

with the Town of Allan and the RM of Lost River. We look forward to seeing everyone there!

Yard Maintenance— Now that spring has sprung and trees are growing, please remember to trim back

hedges and trees from sidewalks, clean up debris and keep weeds down and lawns trimmed.

Remember that Hwy 397 will be Reconstructed this summer into Fall. - Public traffic can expect minor delays and disruptions to their normal travel schedules as traffic will be accommodated through the work zone utilizing one-way traffic in each direction. Dust, loose gravel, rough roads and roadside hazards may also be expected. The Contractor will provide traffic accommodation.

Pets —Remember we have a pooper scooper section in our animal control bylaw. All pets must be licensed and on leashes when not in your yard. If you have a concern, Bylaw Enforcement is in town monthly to deal with any written complaints or concerns.

Water & Sewer — Water rates will be increasing, Council determined these increases at their April, 2024 Council Meeting . A letter went out with the water billing about the increases.

Building Information — If you are altering your home or garage, there may be permits required. Please

ensure that you get your permit in advance of starting your project.

Loraas Bins — If they are cracked or have wheel problems, please let us know at the Town Office and we

will get a replacement bin to you. In order to preserve our pavement, please place your black and blue

carts right at the edge of the pavement.

Recreation Facilities Maintenance Position —This position remains unfilled. If you are interested in

working in your community please come down to the town office and we can give you any further details

you may require. We look forward to filling this full time position in the near future, if a suitable candidate

is found.

Sarah Koshinsky, Administrator

Stay Safe, Be Kind

To read the full newsletter, see the attached PDF.



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