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January 2022 - Happy New Year!


Happy New Year from Council and Staff! As we start 2022, we reflect on 2021- We would like to congratulate our first Allan Volunteer of the Year – Cody Hartley. A huge thanks to you, the community for your perseverance as we have all had a new level of challenge with the pandemic this past year. We also want to let you know that we appreciate your patience and understanding as town staff navigated the challenges of keeping operations as normal as possible. Some achievements in Allan in 2021: more sidewalks constructed, swimming pool operated through the summer Last but not least, the Fire Hall grand opening finally was able to occur. Dogs and Cats have been a challenge the past year, with people spending more time at home, we have had a record number of animal complaints. Please remember, if your dog/cat isn’t in your fence, it must be on a leash. We have provisions in the Animal Control Bylaw for barking and cleaning up after your pets. As well, it’s that time of year again. Remember to license your dogs and cats by the end of February. Snow Removal—With the third major snowfall having occurred over the past few days, please remember our policy, main traffic areas are cleared first, Main St, Princess St., 2nd Ave., 3rd Ave and Saskatchewan St. The remainder of the residential streets get cleared next, followed, when time permits back lanes. Please help the snow clearing operations by keeping vehicles parked in driveways as much as possible. No Trailers on the Streets more than 3 days. COVID rapid test kits are available at the Town Office & the Library Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Be Kind.

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